UPS, USPS, or FedEx Shipping rates seem incorrect.
When you use the Real-Time shipping tools, PDshop obtains the shipping charges (rates) directly from the carrier (UPS, USPS, FedEx, or Intershipper).  There are many factors that can influence the rates, but PDshop DOES NOT calculate or alter the shipping rates that it receives.

If you encounter any discrepancies in the actual rate being displayed, this is due to your settings/options on the shipping "Services" setup page in the PDshop Admin, differences in item weights (how you setup your items), discrepancies in the To/From shipping addresses, or it can be related to whether or not your customer selected residential or commercial.  There are many factors, but PDshop does not calculate the rates, PDshop simply displays the rates exactly as they are obtained in real-time directly from the carrier (according to the settings you have, the address the customer entered, and the total weight of all items in the customer's order).  

To isolate any discrepancies, use the "Test Rates" button in Admin to test and adjust your settings.  This test feature will provide the actual rate quote that comes directly from UPS, based on the to/from destination and weight.  To test rates, in your Admin go to Settings, then click on UPS.  Next click on "Test Rates" and select "Direct from UPS", "Direct from USPS", "Direct from FedEx", etc.  If you select "PDshop Checkout" it will display the rates as they will be shown to the customer during checkout (which will take into consideration all services, handling fees, you added, minimums, etc.)

PLEASE NOTE: A common mistake is comparing rates incorrectly.  For example, if you are comparing rates PDshop is displaying with rates you retrieved from the carrier's own website, you likely did not select the same options, or other shipping settings differ.  Please know that UPS and USPS often use different language on their website, or offer additional shipping options/settings not offered in PDshop, that can cause discrepancies.

Also, see the other Articles below related to PDshop's Shipping Tools.
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Article Applies to: PDshop Plus, PDshop Advanced, PDshop .NET
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