
Display any content you want, PDshop works with more than just Products!
- Supports an Unlimited number of Custom content Pages
- Dozens of User Defined Content Areas
- Full control over page Layout!
- Insert any type of content, including code snippets!
- and MUCH more...
Unlimited Products, Categories, & Sub Categories
- Works with most product types!
- Digital Goods (Sell Downloads)
- Build to Order (Kit Product types)
- Products that have Options
- Products can be in many Categories or Sub Categories!
- Display Products in Row/Columns
- Many Sorting and View controls
- and MUCH more...
Dynamic "Drop Down" Menus, Navigation, and Layout control
PDshop includes dozens of tools, including the ability create your own menus tied into the category system, site navigation, as well as define what content appears where.
Promotional & Cross-Selling Features
- Product/Item Photo Gallery
- Featured & On Sale Items
- Recommended & Related Items
- Best Selling Items
- Wishlist / Gift Registry
- Product Reviews
- Product Catalog/Brochure mode
- Customer/Wholesaler Pricing
- Discount features
- Gift Cards / Certificates
- Search Engine built in
- Newsletter/Email Opt-In
- Affiliate Program Built in!
- Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest
- and MUCH more...
Mobile Commerce!
No Plug-In required, it's free and built in. Provide a better browsing experience for your customers that use phones and tablets including Iphones, Ipads, Andriods, and all other popular smart phones.
Multi Currency & Multi Language
All currencies and regions supported, and it is Integrated with Google's multiple language translation tool so you don't need to translate any text!