Are cookies used, and do they work with shared SSLs?
PDshop requires that cookies be enabled on your web browser.  Cookies are used to store temporary data such as Customer ID, Order ID, etc.  

PDshop will forward the cookie data across domain names, allowing you to use a shared SSL.  During the checking out process, the cookie data is passed to the shopping cart/checkout pages via encrypted form fields.  Then, during checkout a new cookie is created on the new domain (presumably a secure domain).  This ensures that the cookie data is not lost.

UPDATE: Shared SSLs are no longer considered acceptable for security reasons.  Shared SSLs became popular back 10 years ago due to the cost associated with getting an SSL Certificate for your domain. Today however, anyone can purchase an SSL for relatively low cost (as low as $5.99/year in some cases).  Shared SSLs should be avoided nowadays, using one will present problems for search engine crawlers (Google Bots) and it presents real security concerns.
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