How do I use the PDshop Source Code (App_Code) files after I purchase.
When you purchase PDshop, depending on the version you buy, there is an additional Source Code file available for our dll. Meaning you can modify any of the code in the core functions.  

After you download this, there are only a few simple steps you will need to follow in order to use the PDshop source code.

1. Save and Extract the contents of the Source Code zip file to a safe location on your computer.  

2. Locate the "App_Code" folder you just extracted, and upload this folder to your web site's web root, for example "your*web*"  

3. In order for the PDshop pages to recognize and start using the source code, you must modify the Shop and Admin "template.master" files on your server. You will simply need to change the PDshop Namespace that is being imported.

Locate this line of code:
<%@ Import Namespace="PDshop10" %>

And change it to:
<%@ Import Namespace="PDshop10_Source" %>

Under no circumstances are you allowed to share or distribute any copies of this source code.  The source code is provided to you, for your use only. This code is intended for use with your licensed copies of PDshop only.

If your copy of PDshop is installed in a subfolder (and that subfolder has been configured as an application directory), than you may need to place the "App_Code" folder into that directory instead.  

Do not modify or remove the original "bin" folder.  The "PDshop10.dll" file must remain on your server at all times in order for PDshop to work.
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