Should I hire an SEO company to optimize my shopping cart product pages?
We don't think so.  PDshop is already pre-optimized, what we do is follow all the latest recommendations published by Google themselves, so from an a code standpoint there shouldn't be anything you need to do.  

The SEO industry is on the decline, because search engines (like Google) frown heavily upon the tactics that these companies use.  In the last year Google changed everything with their algorithms, SEO tricks now do more harm than good.  

We recommend to keep it simple! Focus on writing very accurate titles, short, and long descriptions.  Write your content and meta tags as if they are to be read by real living people.  Don’t write descriptions (or insert certain keywords) just for the search engine crawlers to see, that's the old trick-of-the-trade that will hurt you.  Nowadays search engines know when you are trying to trick them, and they will penalize (or ban) you for it.    

Advertising, links to your site from forums, and affiliate programs, are the best ways to improve ranking.  Once you get traffic to your site those ways, and people start searching for your site by your company/brand name, Google will give you better ranking for the keywords that go along with your products.
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