PDshop is already Pre-Optimized for the Search Engines (SEO)

PDshop works well with all of the major search engines.  The code is already tested with the search engines so you don't need to worry about coding the basics like Meta tags, Alt tags, etc.  Our developers have made it easy to create pre-optimized product, category, and custom pages using the web based admin.

Seo friendlyShopping CartYa Logo
Some Highlighted Features...
  • Code has been carefully tweaked for best results
    Pre-Optimized for you, tested with the major search engines!
  • Search Engines can easily Crawl and Index your site
  • Url Re-Writer
    Create more user-friendly Urls, and help with SEO - no additional software or modules required
  • Easy to manage Meta Tags
    Create unique meta tags for all your pages, categories, etc
  • Dynamic/Auto Meta Tags
    Let PDshop automatically generate meta Titles, meta Keywords, etc based on your content - for best results!
  • Google Analytics built in
    reports site traffic and other data about your site and users for use in generating reports
  • SiteMaps Export Tool
Search Engine Friendly Urls
Since all of the content is stored in a Microsoft database, you do not need to manually create Html pages, PDshop dynamically generates the web pages for you "on-the-fly" with unique Urls.  And, if you choose to use the built in Url Re-Writer, the Urls will be even more user friendly.


No updates or new downloads are currently available.  Check back later for news and updates on products we may be developing. Support has ended for most legacy products and tools.