Meta Tags and search engine ranking.
Search engines look for hidden "Meta Tags", which PDshop generates automatically.  When you submit your storefront to search engines, they will "spider" the PDshop pages, following the links and reading the hidden “Meta Tags”.

First, it is important that you enter your storefront’s “Title”, “Description”, and “Keywords” in PDAdmin under the “Setup” menu, see “Name/Title”.  This information is used to generate various meta tags.

In the Plus, Advanced, and .Net Editions of PDshop, for each category in your storefront you can specify a unique "Title", "Keywords", and "Description" meta tag, see the meta tag section on the setup page for each category.

For items, the meta tags are generated automatically based on your content.  For example, PDshop may use your site's title, name, item name, item number, and short description to create the keywords and description meta tags.

Many ask “how do I get a good ranking?”  There is no exact science to getting a good search engine ranking.  The PDshop scripts were written to utilize the known meta tag "tricks" of the trade.  However, if there are other sites already listed in the search engines with similar content to yours, i.e. your competition, there is much more you need to do to get a good ranking.  Just entering good keywords and descriptions is not enough (as your competition may have already mastered that).  With most search engines, there are countless factors that determine ranking (ex, the amount of website traffic you have, who is linking to your site, where & how frequently your keywords appear in your site's content, how long your site has been around, etc.).  

Note: When submitting your PDshop storefront to search engines, you should submit your site as, so the engines will find the root of your storefront.
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Article Applies to: PDshopPro / Standard, PDshop Plus, PDshop Advanced, PDshop .NET
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