PayPal Error - incorrectly formatted item amount.
Sample Error
The link you have used to enter the PayPal system contains an incorrectly formatted item amount.
Solution or Workaround
The above message indicates that your currency is formatted incorrectly for PayPal’s system.  For many currencies PayPal requires that the decimal be a dot or period.  If you are receiving the above error message, the LCID you have chosen to use in your storefront is formatting with a different symbol or placement.  

Since PDshop relies on the server's currency formatting (LCID), you will need to set a different LCID, or modify the formatnumber() functions in the gateway_out.asp script.  In most cases you can simply add a line of code to the gateway_out.asp script to force a different LCID during the PayPal transfer.  

For example, add this line of code to the gateway_out.asp script.


(this code must appear between the <% and %> symbols, and must be below the "functions" include command).
Related Topics
Article Applies to: ASP (classic Active Server Pages), PDshopPro / Standard, PDshop Plus, PDshop Advanced
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