How does the multi-store feature work?
In PDshop version 9 and higher, there is what's known as a "multi-store" feature, The multi store feature is ideal if the content (items/categories) is intended to be identical.   The way it works, you install two copies of PDshop (on the same server), and they both connect to the same database.  The stores will be identical, expect you can customize them to have different templates or master pages (so all content from the database, the products, categories, etc, is identical, except what you insert/change in the template or master pages).

Our demos are an example of a multi-store implementation, these two sites below are hosted on the same server and both connect with the same database:

All items and data is the same, they appear different because each one has its own template, that was customized, see below:

As far as managing the content, you use one web based Admin,

** Please note that an additional license is required for each additional Domain/Url combination.  After purchasing the additional license just contact us for the appropriate web.config license key for the additional copies.
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