Importing data into a PDshop database.
PDshop includes a built in Import Tool, allowing you to quickly import data (items) into your shop from Microsoft Excel files.  If you have an earlier version of PDshop, or have specific needs, and wish to import data using your own Tools (ex. Microsoft Access or MSSQL Tools/Wizards) the information below may help.

Quick Overview of Categories & Items:
Each database table contains a column named “id”, this is the primary key and should never be altered.  This “id” is used to establish relationships with other tables, use caution when editing data in any columns with the word “id” in them (id, catid, itemid…)

Category Table:
The primary table for categories is named "category".  Relationships to this table can be made by referencing the “id” column in this table, for example you may find “catid” in other tables.  

Item Table:
The primary table for your store items/products is named "items".  Relationships to this table can be made by referencing the “id” column in this table, for example you may find “itemid” in other tables.

Category Assignment:
Since an item can be in multiple categories, a separate table is used to link items to categories.  The link table for items is named "catlinks".  The “itemid” & “catid” columns in this table would correspond to the “id” columns in both the “items” & “category” tables.

Item Option tables:
Setting up options for items can be complex; it is recommended that you only use PDAdmin when creating options.  The relationships for item options are similar to item & category relationships, there are two tables, “optioncat” is the primary table for the option ‘group’ (ex. the name & type of option, ex. drop-down list) and “optionitem” is the primary table for the option ‘item’ (ex. the selections in the drop-down list).  

Related Items:
Items/Products in PDshop can have related items.  To link one item to another a separate table named “itemlinks” is used.  The “itemid” & “relitemid” columns correspond with the “id” numbers of other items.

Before altering or importing data into a PDshop database, we recommend that you experiment using PDAdmin.  Create items, categories, etc. using only PDAdmin, and familiarize yourself with how the data in each column of each table is formatted.  This will help you better plan for importing, as improperly formatted data can corrupt the database or produce unexpected results.  

If you plan to import data into PDshop’s database or modify the columns in anyway, be sure you plan & test your changes.  Be sure to backup your database before altering any data, and thoroughly test PDshop with your altered database before going live.   Our free support does not cover issues or errors that result from data manipulation.  
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