Image Upload component freezes while uploading
Some Anti-Virus software and script blockers installed on the web server may interfere with the filesystem object used by PDshop.  

If your system hangs when you attempt to upload images, you should disable any Anti-Virus software that blocks scripts, and any internet "Ad-blocking" or "Pop-up" software that is installed on the server.  NOTE: The Norton Anti-Virus "Script Blocking Service" can block access to these funtions, simply disable this service.

If this does not resolve your issue, it is possible another program is using the filesystem object, interfering with it, or you do not have the latest version of VBscript installed on your web server.  Visit the Microsoft support site for assistance with this object.  

Another possibility it that your web server does not have enough resources available (If you are using a "shared" hosted server, your provider may be limiting your CPU processor access).  To work around this, you may need to use 3rd party FTP software such as WS-FTP (which is available for free on
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