How to fix the MSSQL OpenDataReader (SQL) "Exception. Thread was being aborted" issue
Sample Error
You may see an message like this "OpenDataReader (SQL) Exception. Thread was being aborted".
Solution or Workaround
This particular message is coming from your MSSQL database server, not PDshop.  The server is saying the SQL query is taking too long to complete.  

Unfortunately your web host or server administrator may have limits on how long an MSSQL transaction can go on for, and if you exceed that limit, the MSSQL database server will terminate the connection.  

Other things that can contribute to this problem would be internal network traffic at your web host, or if the web or database server you are using just doesn't have enough resources and is slow.  

If you have over 10,000 products in your online storefront, things you need to consider are what type of hosting do you have?  Are you using a shared or monthly hosting plan, or do you run your web server, a dedicated server?   The more products you add to the shopping cart's product database, the more server resources you may need.
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