How does Order Notification work?
PDshop can be configured to automatically send an email to your customer's immediately after they make an online purchase.  This email can be customized by you.
Send Email Confirmation?:
Check this box if you wish to turn on the contact us form.  If this is not checked, users will see "featured" items in place of the contact us form.

From Name:
Here you enter the name as it should appear.  Example:

From Email:
Here enter the email address from which the email will seem it came.  Example:  Do not use quotes or names, simply type the email address.  This will also be the "reply to" address, if someone replies to this email it will go this address.

Type the subject of the Order confirmation email, Example: Order Confirmation

Email Text:
Type the body of the email here.  Here, you can use the PDshop Order variables.  Variables are built in code words that you type into the body of the email text, Example: "##CUSTNAME##".  When PDshop generates this email at the end of the order process, it will replace the variables with the appropriate information or text.  Below is a list of variables for use in the Order Confirmation:

Order Number, ##ORDERNO##
Customer Name,  ##CUSTNAME##
Current Date, ##DATE##
Order Link, ##ORDERLINK##

The order link is an http link to the order status page.

** You can test the email by clicking on "TEST".  A test message will be immediately sent to the Admin Email address.
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