What email components are required to send email from PDshop?
NOTE: The .Net Editions of PDshop do not require any email component (as PDshop sends email thru ASP.Net's built in Email functions)

PDshop has built in support for the most common Email components used by web servers.  They are: Dimac W3JMail, CDOSYS (Plus Edition only), CDONTS, Persits ASPemail, Dynu Email, or Dundas.  Before configuring the email section of PDshop you should identify which component your web server uses.

Server Email Component:
Select the component that is installed on your web server.

Email / SMTP server:
Enter the email server's name or IP address in this field.  You may need to consult with your email or web provider for this.  You must have a valid server name here, as PDshop forwards all email to your local email server.

Admin Email Address:
Enter the email address of the webmaster, or administrator.  Since many email servers check for valid "From" email addressed, we recommend you use this field.  It is also used for sending test emails.
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Article Applies to: ASP (classic Active Server Pages), PDshopPro / Standard, PDshop Plus, PDshop Advanced
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