Email Notification fails when using some payment gateways.
You have confirmed your email configuration in PDAdmin, you can sent and receive test emails.  But, you do not receive any Order Notifications and your customers do not receive Order Confirmations during checkout when a 3rd party 'weblink' payment gateway is used.  *** This article does not apply to PayPal.

There are drawbacks to using weblink payment gateways.  When you use a 3rd party gateway such as this, the web shopper is actually leaving your website to go to another site to make a payment.  Your shoppers are not returning to your site, so the Email functions are not performed.

Most payment gateways offer a solution to this, here are the common workarounds for this issue:

1. You can setup/enable the Email features offered by your payment gateway (if they offer this).  Most weblink gateway services offer you the ability to have Automated emails sent from the gateway's site upon completion of payment.  *** This is what we recommend.

2.  In some gateway control panels you can setup a "return URL".  The return page in PDshop is "gateway_complete.asp" in your shop directory.  It would normally be similar to this "" (if you have an SSL enabled in PDshop the URL would need to be your SSL URL, ex.").  But, if the customer does not click the Return Link (as displayed by your gateway if they even allow this), the customer will not be returned to your site and no emails will be generated from PDshop.  This a common issue with weblink gateways.  *** We recommend that you still enable the email features on your gateway's site.

*** These workarounds do not apply to PayPal.  Simply enable the IPN feature in PDAdmin (you do not have to change any settings or configure this feature on the PayPal site), PDAdmin will handle all email functions and notification automatically after the Payment has been received (not before, so there can be a delay).
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