Repeated "incomplete or too short" error messages when importing data from an Excel (*.xls) file.
Sample Error
Errors in Row 11 - [Item No.] is incomplete or too short!
Errors in Row 12 - [Item No.] is incomplete or too short!
Errors in Row 13 - [Item No.] is incomplete or too short!
Solution or Workaround
During an import you may receive repeated "incomplete or too short" error messages if the column of data you are attempting to import contains what Microsoft refers to as “Mixed data types”.  When the Microsoft Excel file is opened and PDshop attempts to read the data, your web server may only return the first type of data it encounters, and the second type may be returned as a blank/null value.  

For example, in your Item No. column, you may have item numbers that are strictly numbers, ex. 123456.  These would be interpreted as Numeric values.  However, you may also have item numbers that contain both numbers & text, or simply all text (no numbers), ex. ABC123.  These would be interpreted as Text/String values.  If both types of data appear in the same spreadsheet column, the Microsoft ADO/ADO.NET drivers may incorrectly define the data type for the column, and therefor ignore some data.

This problem is caused by a limitation imposed by the Microsoft Excel software drivers (part of your web server’s operating system).  This is not considered a PDshop bug.  

At this time, the workarounds provided by Microsoft can only be implemented at the server level, therefor may not be feasible.  

Recommended Workarounds:
1. Create two separate Excel files or sheets (create one sheet for all the item numbers that are numbers, and another for all the non-numeric item numbers), and perform two separate imports into the same category.  

2. Sort your data in the XLS file by item number, before importing.  This would also require two imports (one with the Item number column sorted Ascending, then again with that column Descending).  
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Article Applies to: ASP.NET (Microsoft's .NET), PDshop .NET
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