Integrating with 'Non-Supported' Gateways
With PDshop it is possible (and often easy) to integrate with a payment gateway or credit card processor that is not supported by PDshop.  Usually, you would just need to modify a single file, inserting or modifying the code according to the integration guides provided to you by the gateway or processor you have chosen.

Option 1:
If your payment gateway or credit card processor provides a "hosted" payment form or page, similar to how PayPal and work, you should use the "Custom Gateway" feature in PDshop.  This is the easiest and safest option.

What file do I modify?
Modify the "gateway_custom.aspx" script in your shop folder according to their integration guide.  Insert code obtained from your processor, or you may use your own Html/Asp.Net code.

How do I make PDshop use this file?
On the Payment Gateways page found on the Settings tab, first check the "Enable Payment Gateways" box.  Next, scroll down to the "Other (Custom Gateway)" section and check the "Enable Custom Gateway" option.  

Option 2:
If your payment gateway or credit card processor offers a way to directly process credit cards, in real-time, without your customer ever leaving your website, than may want to use the "Other Processor/Gateway" option.  With this option, your customer is prompted for credit card information within PDshop, and the payment is processed without them ever leaving PDshop.  This type of integration is more complex and may involve storing credit card numbers in PDshop's database.  Please be aware of the risks involved with this type of implementation.  For most smaller businesses, Option 1 is preferred.

What file do I modify?
Modify the "processcc_custom.aspx" script in your shop folder according to their integration guide.  Insert code obtained from your processor, or you may use your own Asp.Net code.

How do I make PDshop use this file?
On the Payment Gateways page found on the Settings tab, first check the "Enable Payment Gateways" box.  Next, check the "Enable (Real-Time Processing during checkout)" option.  Finally, in the Credit Card Processing section enable "Other Processor/Gateway".

PLEASE NOTE: Depending on the gateway or processor, the above may require some basic Asp.Net or HTML programming skills.  Our technical support only covers supported gateways and processors, however we do offer additional integration/programming services.
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Article Applies to: ASP (classic Active Server Pages), PDshop Plus, PDshop Advanced
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