How to remove or replace the powered by messages in PDshop
PDshop includes a built in way to visually "brand" the shop & admin pages.  This means, as a web developer/designer, you can remove any visible "powered by" messages and replace them with your own text, link, or logos.

Branding is turned on/off from within the web.config file, below are the keys that you must include in your own web.config:

<add key="devbrand" value="ON" />

<add key="devshoplogourl" value="http://your website" />

<add key="devadminlogourl" value="http://your website" />    

<add key="devshoptext" value="Powered by Your Company, Inc" />

<add key="devadmintext" value="Powered by Your Company, Inc" />

<add key="devurl" value="http://your website" />

In some downloads these keys are included in the default web.config, but may be commented out.  In those cases you just need to "uncomment" that section of the web.config (after you fill in your own details).   To uncomment something in a web.config, you simply remove the "<!--" and "-->" characters before and after the keys.

NOTE: If you are not using Version 8 or Higher of PDshop, and want to remove or replace the built in branding, you will need to upgrade.  

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This feature is for visual re-branding only.  You are not permitted to remove copyright notices or any references to PDshop, PageDown Technology,, or in any of the "source code".  See the software Terms & Conditions for more information.
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