Older versions of PDshop may not work correctly with ASP.NET 4.0
Recently, many web hosts and server administrators have been migrating their servers to Microsoft's .NET platform version 4.0.  This means it may be time to update your copy of PDshop.  Changes in the new version of ASP .NET could affect how PDshop works on your server.

If you have not updated your copy of PDshop recently we recommend you do so.  Versions 8.209 and higher are fully compatible with ASP .NET 4.0, earlier versions of PDshop may not be.  In general it's always a good idea to keep your copy of PDshop updated, for a variety of reasons, but most importantly for security, PCI compliance, and so that you can take advantage of other improvements.  

If you are using Version 7 or earlier versions (for example, .Net Advanced, .Net Standard, or the Original .Net edition), we recommend upgrading to Version 8.  To determine what version of PDshop you are running, go to the Database (DB) Tools page in your Admin, usually found under the Advanced menu.

Possible Workaround:
If you are unable to upgrade or update your copy of PDshop, you may be able to implement the workaround described below to continue using PDshop with ASP.NET 4.0, but in an older backward compatibility mode.

Modify your web.config file as follows:  

1. Add requestValidationMode="2.0" to the "httpRuntime" section of your web.config.

2. Add controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="3.5" to the "pages" section of your web.config.

For example, your web.config's system.web section might look like this after the above changes:


    <customErrors mode="Off" />
    <httpRuntime executionTimeout="90" requestValidationMode="2.0" />
    <compilation defaultLanguage="VB" debug="false" />
    <pages controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion="3.5" buffer="true" enableViewState="true" enableSessionState="false" autoEventWireup="true" validateRequest="false" />
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