How does PDshop's affiliate program work?
The affiliate program allows you the ability to offer commissions for sales generated.  When the affiliate program is used, other businesses/websites can register as an “affiliate” and link to your storefront with a special URL.  Anytime someone enters your storefront using the affiliate's private URL, sales can be tracked back to the affiliate, allowing you the ability to pay commissions for these sales.

Set Up:
First, create a Menu Tab to the "affiliate page".
Next, be sure you enter your affiliate help, descriptions, and agreement text located under "HTML Editor" in PDadmin.  The affiliate help appears on the left column of the affiliate pages, use this space to provide instructions, etc.  The Description appears on the first affiliate page.  The agreement text appears on the second affiliate sign-up page.  Your new affiliates must agree to the terms of your affiliate program during the registration process, be sure to enter your terms & conditions under “agreement text”.

How the Affiliate registration works:
First, your potential affiliate would click on your affiliate tab or link. They will see your description and help page, and can click continue to begin the automated registration process.  Next, they are prompted to accept your terms & conditions.  Once they accept, the new affiliate is prompted for some basic company information.  Finally, PDshop will generate a unique URL & affiliate login ID.  You can setup the affiliate "email confirmation" to automatically send instructions to your new affiliates.  You should instruct your new affiliates to link to your site using this special URL, which is displayed on the last affiliate sign-up page, and can be included in the affiliate email confirmation (if you use the variable).  Your new affiliate can use their affiliate login ID to update/view their company information, as well as any sales that have been generated by their special URL.

How the Sales are tracked:
Once your affiliate links back to your website with the affiliate URL issued to them, sales can be tracked.  Anytime a potential shopper visits your site using this affiliate URL, a special "cookie" will be saved on their computer to track their purchases.  Should the visitor make a purchase, the order will be linked to your affiliate.  By running the affiliate reports in PDAdmin, you will see how much commission to pay your affiliate.
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